Thursday, October 31, 2013


                   EASY PIZZA


 Pizza is a very common food all over the world.  It is one of children's favorite. It is possible to make  different pizzas to changing the ingredients. You can top pizza with olives, mushrooms, pepperoni, .....
 My recipe is an quick and easy way to make pizza. This is a recipe when you don't have time to wait until pizza dough rise.

12 French toast bread, sliced
11/2 cups milk
200g  mozzarella cheese, sliced
1 tomato, sliced
1 green pepper, sliced
1 tablespoon fresh thyme, chopped 
Cut of the crust around the slices, soak  into cold milk. Place six of them in a well greased ovenproof dish. Topped with sliced cheese. Repeat the same for second layer. Decorate with sliced tomato and pepper. If you like you can add sliced olives or salami. Spread thyme on top. Bake 180C-375F for 25-30 minutes.


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