Friday, October 25, 2013


                                 APPLE (CIDER)

                                              AT HOME

 It is believed that apple-cider vinegar accelerates weight loss because it helps control blood sugar level and suppress appetite. I believe no food can cause weight loss unless changes are made dietary habits and lifestyle. There is not any danger to try, it is  not hurt. 
Making apple-cider vinegar is almost as same as making vine vinegar. You can use hole apples  and scraps like peels and cores. Organic apples are the best for healthy vinegar. Use only glass jar. 
10 medium   apples
2 lt-5 pint water
2 tablespoon honey
1/2 teaspoon salt
large mouth jar
a piece of cheesecloth
Wash apples thoroughly and cut quarters. Leave the skins on. Put apples and scraps into the jar. Cover with water. Add honey and salt. Cover the jar mouth with cheesecloth. Leave in a dark place or cover the jar with folio 3 weeks. You will see a grayish scum form on the surface. This is normal. Strain the liquid through a piece of cheesecloth. Do not wash jar. Pour the liquid back to jar. Cover the lid of jar. Leave 2-3 weeks more. Longer waiting time improves flavor. Strain the liquid through coffee filter. Keep into glass bottles. Store the remaining part which resembling  jellyfish (mother of vinegar) to use as yeast when making vinegar next time. 

                                  These are organic apples. You can see the dark spots on them.


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