Wednesday, April 18, 2012



History of salmon is not too old in Turkey. I guess we met salmon 1990s. Now there are some salmon farm in Turkish seas. But I am not fan of farm fish. I buy the fresh salmon which is imported from Norway. Salmons like cold oceans.
Salmon has an interesting life, they are born in fresh water, migrate to ocean , then return to fresh water to reproduce.  Which is an incredible that the fish return to the exact spot where they where born.
Salmon is not only a delicious fish also very healthful too, with high protein, high omega and vitamin D.

500g/ 1 lb fresh salmon fillets, skinned
2 Tablespoons olive oil
2 Tablespoons  fresh parsley, chopped
2 tablespoon fresh  dill, chopped
2 tablespoon fresh basil, chopped
1 tablespoon chives, chopped
1 Tablespoon fresh mint, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt

Cut salmon fillets into thin long slices, put in a dish. Process all other ingredients in a food processor, pour over salmon slices and be sure sauce is  coated both sides. Cover and  leave in refrigerator for  a night.
Heat heavy frying pan , do not add any oil. Add salmon slices, cook 2-3 minutes each sides until lightly brown. Do not cook over, it gets dry . If you wish it can be grill/broil . Serve with  potato salad and sorrel sauce.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


                   ORANGE MUFFIN


I learned this recipe from one of my mother's travel companions.They were going to holiday at least once a year. Once I joined them with my sons. we had wonderful time. She was an easy going and helpful lady. also she was a very good cook. I have some other recipes from her. Unfortunately she past away some years ago. I always remember her when ever ı make these muffins.
If you like orange I bet you will like orange muffin, because it has strong orange taste.

1 big orange
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup margarine or butter, melted
2 cups plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder

Process orange and sugar in a food processor. Transfer mixture into a big bowl. Let it stand one hour. Add melted butter , mix well. Stir into flour and baking powder. Stir gently with a fork until all ingredients are mixed.
Spoon mixture into each well greased muffin tin, filling two-thirds full. Bake at 200C-400F for 15-20 minutes until golden. Makes 8 big, 12 small muffins.

Thursday, April 5, 2012



Spring began to show itself at the end. Spring is my favorite season for many reasons; temperature is perfect , every where is green and full of with colourful flowers . In terms of  food  there are many  fresh vegetables and herbs. What else could I want more then this.... 
Purslane has some other names like verdolaga, pig weed, little hog weed, pusley. It has sour and salty taste, the stem and leaves are edible.
Purslane is a very good vegetable for health. It contains omega3, vitamins and minerals.
Purslane  can be eaten  fresh as a  salad  or  hot  (cook with mince meat and rice and tomatoes) or  cold (with rice and tomatoes and olive oil ) in Turkish cuisine. 

1 bunch purslane, stem removed
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
1 medium cucumber, chopped
1/4 cup olive oil
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
1 clove garlic
1 teaspoon salt
Place  purslane leaves, tomatoes and cucumber  into a salad dish. Combine olive oil , lemon juice, garlic and salt in a screw-top jar, shake well , pour over the salad and mix.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


                                 SWEET MARKO'S


RENEWED EDITION.....I posted this recipe nearly two years ago. My grandson is a healthy, gorgeous little boy now and  old enough to eat this dessert. He is coming to see us very soon. I will make  this dessert for him. I guess he will like it because he likes pastry and berries. It is a nice coincidence because  I did not know what he will like when I named this dessert.
  We will celebrate his 2. birthday together. I have a surprise for him. When  my surprise is ready I am going to share with you. Hope it will go well. 

I am a grandmother now.  My first grandson was born last week. Unfortunately he was born with some  health problems, but  he is getting better. I believe he will be fine very soon. He brought lot of   happiness to my life... I am  already in love with him.  My daughter in law gave me an idea.. to give his name one of my recipes. I think a dessert recipe shall be suitable.
This is very easy but delicious dessert. I use ready puff pastry, home made cream and fresh berries. Pastry cases and cream  can be prepare a day ahead. Keep  uncooked pastry cases in fridge. Bake them half an hour before to serve.
 I hope  when Marko old  enough to eat  this dessert he will like it . Bon appetite.

250g ready puff pastry

1 cup milk
1 1/2 tablespoons plain flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg yolk
1/2  teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup whipping cream
250 g strawberries or any berries


Roll out pastry on floured surface. Pastry should be the same thickness all over. Cut out 6cm-2 1/2 inch rounds from half the pastry, leave space around each circle of pastry to cut larger rounds. Brush uncut half of the pastry with water. Fold pastry in half. Cut out 10cm-4 inch round around smaller rounds. Be sure to center of larger and smaller rounds  come on top. Cut two layers together. Place rounds on oven tray. Bake at 230C-450F 5 minutes then reduce the heat  at 180C-375F further 10 minutes or until light brown. Let them cool
Mix flour , sugar, and vanilla, stir milk ,whisk well. Add egg yolk. Stir constantly over heat until cream boils and thickens. Let it cool
Fill  puff pastry case with cream. Decorate with strawberries and whipping cream. Dust with icing sugar.

Monday, March 26, 2012


                             CHICKEN PASTIES
               LEMON SAUCE


 We always buy more than we need  no matter  we care about the amount .  We all have food left over, specially after big dinners or parties. There is a tradition in my family. ... leftover party. If one of us have a  party or big dinner , second day we organize family dinner to finish leftover food. I always enjoy my leftover parties. I always find more tasty the  food. I am  guessing that relax  after a tiring day  enhances the flavor of foods for me. And also it gives me  chance to criticizing  my own cooking .
This recipe is a delicious way to use leftover cooked chicken. It is  quick and easy.
It can be eaten plain, without sauce.

250g ready- rolled puff pastry
200g cooked chicken meat
2 tablespoons corn
1 medium carrot, grated
1 red pepper, cubed
2 cloves garlic, crushed
50g cheddar cheese , grated
1 egg yolk
2 Tablespoon white wine
3Tablespoons sour cream
2 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon ground curry
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 egg yolk, extra
2 teaspoon sesame seeds

2 Tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons caster sugar
2 tablespoons dry sherry
1 tablespoon corn flour
1/2 cup water

Heat oil, add garlic, stir, add chicken , carrot, cream and wine. Simmer 5 minutes. Let it cool. Add egg yolk, red pepper, corn and seasoning.
Roll puff pastry sheet on floured surface until 3mm thick. Cut pastry 12cm rounds. Place 2 tablespoons of filling in the center of each round, brush edges with water. Press edges together with thumb and finger to seal, or cut with pizza cutter.Repeat with remaining pastry and filling.
Place parcels on a well greased oven tray. Brush with beaten egg yolk. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Bake preheat oven at 220C-400F for 25 minutes or until pastry is puffed and browned.
For sauce: Combine lemon juice, sugar, and  wine in a pan. Stir in corn flour and water. boil until mixture is thick.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


                                            APPLE ROLL

                   APPLE ROLL

Apple roll is one of my favorite cake  , easy to make, light; no fat in it  and can be made a day ahead. Also  it can be served  with ice cream as a desert.
I prefer to make  apple sauce myself. I make usually more then I need and  keep rest of apple sauce in refrigerator or freezer.If you wish, you can use ready apple sauce
 Turkey is one of the major sultana raisin producer. The sultana raisin is small, sweet, pale green and seedless grape. It grows in Aegean region of Turkey. Mostly dry from is used  for cooking. Recently production of wine has began from Sultana grape.

3 eggs
1/2  cup apple sauce
3/4 cup caster sugar
1/2 cup sultana/ raisin, chopped
1 cup self-raising flour
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda(Baking soda)
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup caster sugar, extra
2 tablespoon cream
125g-     cream cheese(Philly)
1/4 cup icing sugar
2 teaspoon orange rind, finely grated
1/4 cup  caster sugar, extra

2  apples
1 Tablespoon caster sugar
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons water

26cmx32cm roll pan

Apple sauce:
Peel, core and slice apples. Place into a saucepan. Sprinkle sugar, add lemon juice and water. Cook  for about15 minutes  or until apples soft. When they are ready beat to a puree.
Cream eggs and sugar until thick . Fold in apple sauce , sultanas, flour , baking powder and cinnamon. Mix well.
Spread cake mixture into baking paper lined roll pan. bake at 180C-375F for 20 minutes. Cover a tea towel with baking paper, sprinkle with  extra sugar. Turn cake onto paper. Remove lining paper, roll up cake from short side. Stand rolled cake until cool.
Beat cheese in a bowl with electric mixer , add cream , orange rind and sugar. Mix until fluffy.
Unroll cake , spread cream all over and reroll. Refrigerate 30 minutes before serving. This cake can be prepared a day a head , keep in the fridge.


Saturday, March 24, 2012


                                              CHEESE PASTIES

Pogca is a traditional Turkish pasty which you can buy from bakery or make at home. Every Turkish mother and grandmother know how to make it . There are some different recipes. Some ingredients have dry yeast instead of yogurt. Most of bakery ones make with yeast, home made ones with yogurt. Pogaca has eaten at breakfast or afternoon tea in Turkey.
Nigella seeds is used in flavoring pasties. It has a pungent bitter taste and smell.  Native of nigella  is south and southwest Asia. It has delicate flowers, colored pale blue and white. Fruit of nigella is a large and inflated capsule which contains seeds.
The seed is used as a spice.
Native of sesame seeds is Africa. Sesame seed is  considered to be the oldest oilseed crop known to man. It has rich nutty flavor. It is a common ingredients in whole world cuisines.

1 cup yogurt
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup melted margarine
1 teaspoon salt
2  cups plain flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg yolk
2 teaspoon nigela or sesame seeds
150 g  white (feta) cheese
1 egg , white

Nigella seeds

sesame seeds

Mix yogurt, olive oil, margarine and salt in a large bowl. Add flour and baking powder, knead lightly. Turn dough onto a floured surface. Roll 5mm -1/4 in. Cut  7cm-3in round . Place a tablespoon of filling center of each round, press edges together with thumb and finger to seal. Place pastries on a well greased oven tray. Brush with beaten egg yolk.Sprinkle nigela seeds or sesame seeds. Bake at 180C-375F for 25 minutes or until  golden brown.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


                                              AND CHEESE

This dish is one of most popular summer dish in my family. When you look at the ingredients it is a healthy food, it contains lot of vegetables and herbs. The  only drawback is the way of cooking, it has to fry... you can bake it but believe me the taste is not the same.
It is suitable for vegetarians and can be very good party food, if you make it smaller.


3 zucchini/ courgette, grated
4 spring/ green onions
2 tablespoon parsley, chopped
2 Tablespoons dill, chopped
1 Tablespoon fresh mint, chopped
1/2 cup feta (white) cheese, grated
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2 medium eggs
1/2 cup plain flour
oil for shallow-frying

Combine zucchini, onion, parsley, dill, mint and cheese. Add beaten eggs and flour. Heat oil in a pan, pour 1 1/2 Tablespoon of mixture ,flatten slightly, cook on both sides until lightly brown. Drain on absorbent paper. Repeat with remaining mixture.Serve hot or cold.


                    GREEN SALAD

Salad was a side dish in  old Turkish Cuisine. Today , salad is a starter, light lunch or main dish  for us like all other countries in the world.
It is not very common to use ready salad dressing in Turkey. We prefer to make it ourselves.  If you like crispy and fresh salad you have to add dressing last moment.

any green salad,(cos lettuce, green or red oak, butter lettuce)
2 big carrots, grated
1 tomato
1 cucumber

1/2 cup  extra virgin olive oil
1/3 cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt

Wash and dry green salad with salad spinner. Grate carrots. Combine green salad and carrot in a large bowl. Decorate with tomato and cucumber. Combine olive oil, lemon juice and salt in screw-top jar, shake well. Pour over salad just before serving.

Monday, March 19, 2012


                                 STUFFED VEGETABLE

When ever I cook this dish I remember my cat Minis. First of all I have to say  that I am a cat lover. I love all animals. But cat has a very special place in my heart. We found Minis  just born, half frozen  on a very cold , snowy day in our garden. She lived with us 13 years. She was a turtle shell , aggressive and untrusted. Whatever she was we loved her lot. She had very unique eating habit, she loved home made food (my cooking) , specially vegetables.
My sons liked stuffed vegetables when they were kids but only in side, filling. Minis always ate out side,  vegetable part with pleasure which my sons refused to eat.  As you see they were very good team.   I have had other cats after her but none of them ate my food like her.
Name of this dish  is dolma in Turkish. It is one of the cuisines of Ottoman Empire.  Dolma can be made  with pepper, zucchini, eggplant, tomato, vine leave, cabbage leave. It is eaten with yogurt usually. 

2 small green pepper
2 small red pepper
2 small zucchini/courgette
2 small eggplant/ aubergine
1 small tomato, sliced
1 lb mince/ ground beef
1/2 cup rice
1 medium onion, grated
1 teaspoon dry mint
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon tomato puree
1 Tablespoon parsley, chopped
2 Tablespoons water
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 cup hot water
1/2 teaspoon salt

Combine all filling ingredients. prepare peppers slicing of the stalks end , keep it to use as a lid. Pull out core and seeds. Hollow out zucchini and eggplants with potato peeler. Make sure there is  enough hole for filling. Wash and dry all vegetables. Fill them with mixture. Cover top of peppers with the piece which sliced . Cover zucchini and eggplants top with sliced tomato. Sit peppers and eggplants upright tightly in a saucepan to not keel over.
Mix, sauce ingredients, pour over stuffed vegetables. Cover with lid. Bring to boil, reduce the heat, simmer 20 minutes or until all vegetables are tender.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


                                       AVACADO AND CHEESE


Avocados are members of the bay tree family. The  first known records of the avocado is in Mayan and Aztec picture writings from 300BC.
Avocados originated in the Middle  of America. Avocado grows in Mediterranean climate.
In recent years avocado started to cultivate in Turkey, the South Aegean and Mediterranean regions.
Avocados are  fruit which can use as a  savory or sweat .  The major point is , everybody  agrees that avocados are one of the best food for healthy eating. Avocados contain healthy fat, vitamins and minerals and high fibers. 

2 ripe avocados
200g- 7 oz goat cheese
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons olive oil

Cut avocados in half. Hit the stone with a knife. Pell the skin. Process avocados, cheese, lemon juice, and olive oil in a food processor until smooth. Serve as soon as possible before avocados change the colour. Serve with fresh bread or crackers.




 Lately my  interest is Lebanese Cuisine. I have found it very close to my cooking style. They use lot of  fresh vegetables and olive oil which is  mostly Mediterranean food.
Today's recipe is one them, original name is Mohamara. There is a similar sauce  in Southeastern  of Turkey cuisine, in the same name but different ingredients.
Only my worry is  about this recipe to find Pomegranate molasses which is made by boiling down the juice of a tart variety. Pomegranate molasses is a thick, dark brown and sour liquid. A great possibility,   you can find it at  certain Middle East , Turkish or Greek Markets.

2 chills- Jalapeno ,use  more if you like  really  hot
3  white bread slices, dried
1 big onion, chopped
1 1/2 cups walnuts, grounded
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander
3/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup pomegranate molasses
a pinch of ground coffee
1 Tablespoon chopped fresh coriander- cilantro

Remove seeds and membranes from chills. Process  chills and onion in a food processor and  add dried bread slices, grounded walnuts, olive oil, lemon juice, seasonings, coffee, pomegranate molasses, continue to process until mixture is smooth. Decorate with walnuts.
Serve with fresh bread , Melba toast or any crackers.
Melba toast is a crunchy bread. Cut bread into thin slices. Place in a oven tray in a single layer. Bake at 150C-300F   for 20 minutes or until bread is crispy and light brown.
If you can find Turkish flake red pepper , you can use 2 tablespoons of  it instead of chili pepper.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


                                                      RICE WITH ALMOND



Pilaf is a dish which  rice is  cooked in stock or broth. History of Turkish pilaf  goes back to Ottoman Empire time. Since then pilaf has been cooked by the same technique . Turkish pilaf is simmered rice, not steamed. For good quality pilaf ,rice mustn't stuck together.
 Pilaf has an important place in ceremonial meals and every days cooking in Turkey. It can be severed as a main dish or a side dish. 
Pilaf is enriched by the addition of meat, chicken, seafood , vegetables, nuts, pulses or pasta. Turkish rice is short grain rice. 


2 cups short grain  rice
1 cup blanched almonds
1 cup chicken stock
1 1/2 cup hot water
2 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon salt

Put the rice in a bowl add 1 teaspoon salt, 4 cups hot water. Soak rice for 30 minutes. Wash several times until all starch is gone. Drain well.
Heat vegetable oil in a pan add almonds, stir until lightly brown.  Add rice stir until dry. Add  hot water, chicken stock and salt. Bring to boil. Cover with lid. Turn heat very low. Cook 15 minutes until liquid is absorbed. Off heat add butter, and stir. Let pilaf rest 10 minutes before serve.


                                                TURKISH TEA


The tea has been cultivated in China about 2000 years ago. Today tea  is cultivating in over 30 countries of the world. One of  them is Turkey.
History of  Turkish  tea is not old , the cultivation started  in 1900s , in Eastern Black Sea region , in Rize. Tea plants need very specific environmental conditions to produce an economic crop  which is mild climate with high precipitation and fertile soil.  The agriculturalist decided  the district of  Rize  has perfect conditions to raise tea plantation. Tea farming started in 1924.
The tea producing has been improved in along all  these years. Turkish tea has taken a place in the international market. And tea replaced coffee for Turkish people. Now tea is an important part of Turkish culture. Offering tea is a sing of hospitality at households, shops and restaurants. Turkish tea is  severed in a small glasses, boiling hot.
Turkish tea is a form of black tea.


 Traditionally Turkish tea is prepared using two kettles. Boil water in the larger lower kettle, put 3 teaspoons of loose tea leaves into the smaller kettle. Fill the smaller kettle with boiling water.  Turn the heat low  and let tea to steep 3-4 minutes. Fill 1/3 of the  glasses with tea and dilute with hot water. You can have strong or weak tea controlling combination of tea and hot water. For the good taste you need good quality drinking water.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


                                      PASTA WITH
                   STIR FRIED

Pasta, is a boiled dough of flour and water, was a staple food for many early civilizations. There are some different rumours about history of pasta. Some says Marco Polo  imported  pasta from China, some says Italians has been cooking pasta since the 1st. century.
According to historian Charles Perry , the Arabs adapted noodles for long journeys in the 5th century, the first writing record of pasta.
At first pasta was an expensive food . After machine production  pasta become affordable and popular. Today pasta is a common food .
Think of pasta I think of Italian food. Pasta is the Italian word of dough. The dough is make from durum (hard) wheat which is rich in gluten, high in protein, low in fat, contains vitamins, iron, minerals and fiber.
Commercially there are many different pasta shapes  , basically tiny  for soups (risoni ,anelli), thin and long (spaghetti, tagliatelli, linguine), short and curly (penne, farfalle) , large sheets (lasagne), tubular ( cannelloni), and ready-stuffed ( ravioli, tortellini).
There is one thing I am sure' from kids to adults love pasta'.... it is never boring.


250g    pasta , fusilli or penne..
1 zucchini/ courgette, cut into small cubes
1 eggplant/ aubergine , cut into small cubes
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 green bell pepper, diced
1 large onion, chunky sliced
100g mushrooms, cut into cubes
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 Tablespoons chopped fresh basil or 1 teaspoon dried basil
2 Tablespoons parsley, chopped
1 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar

Boil , 2lt water, 1 teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon  vegetable oil  in a deep saucepan. Bring water to boil,  stir in pasta cook until tender but not soggy and sticky. Drain , don't rinse.
Pour 2 Tablespoons of vegetable oil into a wok (Chinese frying pan) or a deep heavy pan add zucchini stir 3 minutes and  add eggplant, stir fry until vegetable tender. Add red and green peppers, onion and mushrooms. Stir further 3-4 minutes.
Process olive oil, garlic, basil, parsley and salt. Pour over vegetables when still hot. Mix with pasta. Serve warm or cold.

It can be made with whole wheat pasta and baked vegetables . Process dressing , pour over vegetables, toss until well mixed. Bake in the oven uncovered ,at 200C-400F for 45 minutes or until vegetables tender. Mix with pasta , well toss. This way of cooking is much healthy but needs more time. If you wish you can add any fresh vegetables which you like.

Monday, March 12, 2012


                                         STIR FRIED BEEF

 My first  meeting with  Chinese food  was  at the  Chinese restaurant  at Taksim in Istanbul in 1970s. Owner of the restaurant was Uyghur, Turk who moved to Turkey  from China. It was a small restaurant , there were only 10-12 tables and simple decoration. But food was delicious and  price was reasonable.  My boy friend ( my present husband) and I could eat  often there  with our pocket money  as university students.
After him the restaurant ran by his son. He improved the business, they moved larger  and well decorated place .The taste of food never changed, always good. We continued to go there  as a family. When my sons grown up enough I brought them too. My sons  loved Chinese food and learned to eat with chopsticks. Everybody in my family have good memories about this restaurant. I couldn't finish my article without mentioning the chef waiter who worked there long years. He was so kind and  an expert. Unfortunately it closed down years ago. It  couldn't compete the other luxury restaurants which open later.
I learned this recipe from them.... the original name is  JUN BAO JIO. Hope you will like it...

500g 1 lb sirloin beef steak, slice into thin strips
2 medium onion, roughly sliced
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 medium carrot, grated
2 Tablespoon corn flour -corn starch
1 tablespoon water
2 tablespoons ketchup
1 Tablespoon wine vinegar
1 teaspoon powder chili
2Tablespoons dark soy sauce


Slice beef into thin strips, mix corn flour and water add beef stripes. Mix well and stand 20 minutes.
Heat oil in a wok (Chinese stir fry pan) or a heavy pan add beef stripes. Stir fry until meat changes color. Add  grated carrot and onion. Continue to stirring. When meat is tender add ketchup , vinegar and soy sauce. Stir fry further 3-4 minutes. If needs add salt. Serve with egg noodle or plain rice. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012


                                            LEMON AND GINGER

White meat has been declared the most healthy food by nutritionist. The chicken breast is one of them. No one can say the chicken breast is tasty. But we can make it tasty to add some ingredients which won't change the nutritive value, for example ginger.
Ginger is a root which consumed as delicacy, medicine or spice. It can be use fresh or dry. This magical root is not only tasty spice also good for health in many ways.... for stomach problems, treatment for cold, raise the immune system....ext...
Depends on my experience ginger tea ( sliced fresh ginger, sliced lemon, honey and hot water) helps lot when I have cold.

4 chicken breast fillets
2 tablespoons plain flour
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, sliced
3 cm fresh ginger, sliced
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup hot water


Cut chicken fillets into two pieces, length way. Coat with flour and shake away excess.
Pour olive oil in a pan , add ginger and then chicken fillets, cook 2 to 3 minutes each side until light brown.
 Add lemon juice , garlic , salt and pepper and hot water. Cover, reduce  heat to low, simmer 10-15 minutes or until fillets tender.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


                                            TURKISH BREAKFAST


This picture shows you a traditional Turkish breakfast. Breakfast is the first meal of a new day. All nutritionist say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I was curious  about other countries breakfast habits.  After my search I have seen that breakfast food changes place to place in the world. But  Turkish breakfast habit is quite unique. The standard Turkish breakfast includes  bread, black and green olives,white cheese (similar to feta), old cheese (kasar), butter, jam, honey, sliced tomato and cucumber, boiled egg, omelet or menemen, sausage (sucuk), pastry (borek  & pogca) tea and coffee but mostly tea. Turkish coffee is well known in the world but surprisingly we drink tea more then coffee. We have special small glass for Turkish tea.  We usually drink Turkish coffee after meal.
My recipe of today is  a simple but delicious breakfast food.

6 slices of sourdough  or any white bread
100g-3 1/2 oz white cheese or feta
3 medium eggs
1 Tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons parsley, finely chopped

Spread butter to sliced bread, mix eggs, cheese and parsley. Spread the mixture. Place on to oven rack, grill ( broil) until light brown .



As I said before mince (ground) meat is a common ingredients in Turkish Cuisine. Mostly we make meat balls (kofte) with it. There are some other ways to use mince meat like stuffed vegetable or vegetable with mince meat. I am going to give these recipes soon.
Today's recipe is one of the  kofte recipes which cook into a tray in the oven. That is the easy way. Also you can make patties with this ingredients  and cook into the pan or broil. This is my son's favorite. He says ,he makes patties and serve for home parties and the guests always like.

500g-1 lb mince (ground) beef
1 medium onion, finely grated
3 tablespoons breadcrumbs
2 tablespoon olive oil ( for patties 2 tablespoon water)
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 1/2 Tablespoon parsley, finely chopped
1 tomato, for decoration
 1 green bell pepper, for decoration
1 tablespoon extra olive oil....

Process onion, breadcrumbs, olive oil. cumin, salt, black pepper, parsley ( if you like add 1 teaspoon fresh or dry thyme) into a food processor until combine. Then  add mince beef. Transfer the mixture into well greased baking tray. Brush top with extra olive oil. Decorate with sliced tomato and pepper. Bake uncovered at 180C-375F  for 45 minutes or until firm. Stand 5 minutes before slice.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012



In Turkish cuisine there are many vegetable dishes which  cook with olive oil and eaten as  cold dish. Traditionally we eat them as a last course after main course. They are not cold starters (meze) just ordinary daily food for us. You  can make them with any fresh  summer and winter vegetables.
Since I have known myself there were always  vegetable with olive oil on our table. This kind of dish is eaten mostly West of Turkey and Mediterranean region where the olive tree grows.
I am going to  give you okra recipe today.  I have different relation with okra. When I was a kid I hate it. Now I love it. They say our taste bud is changing when we get older. I  think it is true. This is a very good example.
 The trick about vegetable with olive oil  is ,  adding 1-2 teaspoon sugar  into them.

500g- 1lb okra  , fresh or frozen
2 big tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 medium onion chopped
2 cloves garlic, sliced (optional)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2  teaspoon sugar
1/2 cup olive oil

Rinse the okra , drain and let it dry. Trim the top end with sharp knife to leave a cone shape head. This process is important if you cut all it becomes ropy.
Place okra into a saucepan add onion , tomatoes, lemon juice, salt and sugar. Cover tightly. Let it boil and turn of the heat low. Cook 10 min or until okra is tender. Serve cold.