Sunday, April 1, 2012


                                 SWEET MARKO'S


RENEWED EDITION.....I posted this recipe nearly two years ago. My grandson is a healthy, gorgeous little boy now and  old enough to eat this dessert. He is coming to see us very soon. I will make  this dessert for him. I guess he will like it because he likes pastry and berries. It is a nice coincidence because  I did not know what he will like when I named this dessert.
  We will celebrate his 2. birthday together. I have a surprise for him. When  my surprise is ready I am going to share with you. Hope it will go well. 

I am a grandmother now.  My first grandson was born last week. Unfortunately he was born with some  health problems, but  he is getting better. I believe he will be fine very soon. He brought lot of   happiness to my life... I am  already in love with him.  My daughter in law gave me an idea.. to give his name one of my recipes. I think a dessert recipe shall be suitable.
This is very easy but delicious dessert. I use ready puff pastry, home made cream and fresh berries. Pastry cases and cream  can be prepare a day ahead. Keep  uncooked pastry cases in fridge. Bake them half an hour before to serve.
 I hope  when Marko old  enough to eat  this dessert he will like it . Bon appetite.

250g ready puff pastry

1 cup milk
1 1/2 tablespoons plain flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg yolk
1/2  teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup whipping cream
250 g strawberries or any berries


Roll out pastry on floured surface. Pastry should be the same thickness all over. Cut out 6cm-2 1/2 inch rounds from half the pastry, leave space around each circle of pastry to cut larger rounds. Brush uncut half of the pastry with water. Fold pastry in half. Cut out 10cm-4 inch round around smaller rounds. Be sure to center of larger and smaller rounds  come on top. Cut two layers together. Place rounds on oven tray. Bake at 230C-450F 5 minutes then reduce the heat  at 180C-375F further 10 minutes or until light brown. Let them cool
Mix flour , sugar, and vanilla, stir milk ,whisk well. Add egg yolk. Stir constantly over heat until cream boils and thickens. Let it cool
Fill  puff pastry case with cream. Decorate with strawberries and whipping cream. Dust with icing sugar.

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