Wednesday, March 7, 2012



As I said before mince (ground) meat is a common ingredients in Turkish Cuisine. Mostly we make meat balls (kofte) with it. There are some other ways to use mince meat like stuffed vegetable or vegetable with mince meat. I am going to give these recipes soon.
Today's recipe is one of the  kofte recipes which cook into a tray in the oven. That is the easy way. Also you can make patties with this ingredients  and cook into the pan or broil. This is my son's favorite. He says ,he makes patties and serve for home parties and the guests always like.

500g-1 lb mince (ground) beef
1 medium onion, finely grated
3 tablespoons breadcrumbs
2 tablespoon olive oil ( for patties 2 tablespoon water)
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 1/2 Tablespoon parsley, finely chopped
1 tomato, for decoration
 1 green bell pepper, for decoration
1 tablespoon extra olive oil....

Process onion, breadcrumbs, olive oil. cumin, salt, black pepper, parsley ( if you like add 1 teaspoon fresh or dry thyme) into a food processor until combine. Then  add mince beef. Transfer the mixture into well greased baking tray. Brush top with extra olive oil. Decorate with sliced tomato and pepper. Bake uncovered at 180C-375F  for 45 minutes or until firm. Stand 5 minutes before slice.

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