Sunday, March 4, 2012



This recipe is from The  Southeastern  Anatolia region of Turkey.  The region has a very rich history and cultural heritage which dates back 7.000 B.C.E. Since then the area  has been homeland for many civilizations.
The Region circles the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers ( Mesopotamia). Much of the land is rich in soil and agriculture.  And also  the Region is under the influence of both the continental and Mediterranean climate. All of this ensures a wide variety of agricultural product in this area... like  wheat, cotton, red lentil, sesame, rice, pistachio, grape, olive, tobacco, vegetable and fruit.
 Cuisine of The Southeastern Anatolia is marvelous. This   red lentil recipe is one of them which is a perfect party food or starter and for vegetarians.

1cup red lentil
1 onion, chopped
2 cups water
1,5 cup fine bulgur-cracked weath
2 tablespoon pimiento paste or tomato paste
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon chili pepper
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup olive oil
1 cup spring (green) onions
1/2 cup parsley

Put red lentil in a deep pan add 2 cups water, onion and paste, cook until lentil is tender. It must be juicy , if is not add more hot water. Turn off heat. Add bulgur and seasoning, stir. Let it cool. In the original recipe ,don't add the onion when you are cooking lentil, separately  fry chopped onion in 2 Tablespoons olive oil and add cooked lentil. I prefer to my way because it is much light and healthy .
Add olive oil. Chop spring onion and parsley  well. Add into lentil mixture. Take a spoon full mixture , roll into small ovals. Serve with green salad leaves and lemon.

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