Friday, November 8, 2013



Deep frying is a fast cooking method  and also delicious. Unfortunately I can't say 'it is healthy'  when the subject is health. But I think we all have the right to  dodge time to time. You can try this recipe such a time like this.
There are many fried vegetable recipes in the world cuisine. The best known are Japanese tempura and Indian pakora.
 In my recipe I use beer as liquid for to make batter. It makes crunchy and tasty. You can make also fried carrot and zucchini using the same batter.
1 medium size cauliflower
3 tablespoons  self raising flour
125ml  beer
1/2 teaspoon salt
vegetable oil for frying

1 clove garlic , crushed (optional)
Cut cauliflower into medium florets.Cook cauliflower in boiling salted water for  3-5 minutes. Then drain.  Whisk flour, salt and beer. Let batter to rest 10 minutes.
Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.  Dip the cauliflower florets into batter. Shake off excess batter.
Fry into heated oil until golden. Transfer on kitchen towel. Continue with the rest. Serve with yogurt.

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