Thursday, February 27, 2014



Cooking has been always interested me from  my young age. Everybody knows that who knows me.  My cousin gave me my first cooking book when I was 17 years old. It is a classic cooking book  written by a famous Turkish chef. I do not use it much now . Most of the recipes are so complicated and heavy. They are not suitable my today's cooking style. On the other hand some of the recipes still remains valid , such as Stuffed Leek....
It is possible to find stuffed leek in some other countries cuisines. This one is Turkish way to cook it. It is easy and tasty. I am sure you will not regret if you try it.
 3 thick leeks
1lb-500g ground beef-minced meat
3  tbsp. rice
1 onion , grated
1 tbsp. tomato paste
1tsp salt
1tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp dry mint
2 tbsp. lemon juice
2 tbsp. tomato paste, extra
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 cup hot water 
Cut the white part of leeks into 5cm-2 inches pieces. Soak into hot water 10 minutes. And then push the inside of tubes out with your finger. Keep only one layer. If you want to get more leek taste keep two layers of leek.
For filling, mix ground meat, grated onion, rice, tomato paste, salt, pepper and dry mint. Fill each  tubes of  leek with this mixture . Place in pan, sprinkle 1/2 tsp salt and chili flake . Dissolve 2 tbsp. of tomato paste in a cup of hot water and pour over leeks. Add  oil  and lemon juice . Cover, bring to boil, then turn heat low and simmer 10-15 minutes or until  rice is tender.


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