Sunday, February 23, 2014



My today's recipe is a traditional  Turkish dessert.   Turkey is the number one apricot producer country in the world.  Fresh  apricot is a very tasty fruit but season of it  is short ,   mostly dry apricot is used . Apricots are used in different ways,  not only for the good taste,   also for the benefit of health.  There are many recipes using apricot.....from sweat to savory; chicken, pork, lamb, salad , tart, cake, jam, compote, dessert.
The cream which we use for this dessert is kaymak- clotted cream. Kaymak is a creamy dairy product. It is made from milk of cows. It has a thick creamy consistency and rich taste. I know you can not find it , instate of kaymak- you can use clotted cream or heavy cream or double cream .
250g-1/2lb dry apricot
1  cup sugar
2 cups water
1tsp lemon juice
250g cream
For decoration:
1/2 cup hazelnut or pistachio ,ground
Place apricot in a bowl ,pour water to cover. Soak overnight. Drain. Combine water and sugar in a pan. Bring to boil, simmer 10 minutes . Add lemon juice simmer 2-3 minutes further or until syrup is thickened. Add apricots , cook 15 minutes. Do not let apricots get too soft. Transfer apricots in a plate and let them cool.
Cut apricots along seam, just half, open a small slit. Spoon cream in it. Dip cream  side into ground hazelnut.  Place stuffed apricots in a serving dish, cream on side is facing up. Pour syrup over. Leave in refregaretor 30 minutes and then serve.



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