Monday, January 27, 2014



Cabbage is a well- known winter vegetable. It can be eaten cooked or salad, in soup, rolls with meat or rice.
Recently the health benefit of cabbage is on the agenda. Research of the result  is; very good for nutrition ( low fat and calories), powerful antioxidants( help protect cancer, reduce bad cholesterol LDL), rich in vitamins(C, B,K) and contains some minerals(potassium, magnesium, iron,) .
Cabbage roll- cabbage leaves stuffed with meat -  is common from Europe to Middle east. Basically all are the same, although there are some  difference  between  recipes  .  Making cabbage roll is a hard job, needs practice and long time. My recipe is for beginner and  lazy  cook. Believe me  cooking this way doesn't change the taste, just much more easy and practical. 


1 small white cabbage head  2-21/2 lb
500g/1 lb ground beef/ minced meat
3/4 cup short grain  rice
1  medium onion, grated
1 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 Tbsp tomato paste
1/2 tsp dry mint
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 red pepper flake
3 Tbsp red pepper paste or tomato paste
2 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 cup hot water
1/2 tsp salt

Place the head of cabbage in a deep pot, cover with water. Bring to boil 10-15 minutes. Drain and let it cool.
Mean while prepare filling. Place meat in a bowl, add grated onion, well washed rice, vegetable oil, mint, red pepper flake, salt and pepper. Mix well.

Cut center from cabbage with a sharp knife carve out a cavity . Place 3/4 of the meat mixture between the leaves. Fill the hole with rest of meat mixture. Cover the top  with a leaf  of  cabbage.  Turn  it down. Place  in a saucepan.

Mix red pepper or tomato paste, vegetable oil, hot water and salt. Pour over the cabbage, cover. Bring to boil and then reduce the heat, simmer  20-25 minutes or until cabbage is soft and rice is cooked.

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