Tuesday, February 28, 2012


                                          SCRAMBEL EGG

                                          VEGETABLE -MENEMEN

Tomato has an interesting history. The wild tomatoes cultivation countries are Bolivia and Peru. After discovery of America tomato had been introduce to Europe .Tomatoes are grown for the first time in United States in 1893. It  classifyed as a vegetable. But in reality it is a fruit.
 Turkey met tomatoes 1900s.  Now Turkey is the  third major tomato grower country in the world .Tomato is one of the  important ingredients in all Turkish recipes.
This recipe is one of them. The name of  Menemen comes from  a small town near Izmir- Aegean Region of Turkey. This region is the second tomato grower in Turkey. Also  you can find  many  vegetable and herb dishes  in this region's cuisine.
This recipe is good for breakfast, light lunch and quick dinner.

1 Tablespoon  olive oil
1 green bell pepper, seeded and diced
1 red pepper, seeded and diced
3 medium tomatoes, diced
125g ,4oz feta cheese , diced
6 medium size eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper


Heat butter or oil in a frying pan (non-stick would be ideal) add green and red pepper. Stir 3 min, add tomatoes. Simmer until absorbs the juice. Add feta cheese. Cook until the cheese begins to melt. Add beaten eggs and seasoning. Stir like making scramble egg. Cook until there is not any liquid egg left.

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