Thursday, February 23, 2012



Potatoes is one of the most popular vegetables all over the world. Potato takes an important  place in all of the world's cuisine.
Origin of potatoes is Southern Peru, where they were domesticated 7.000-10.000 years ago. Spanish conquests introduced the potato to Europe in 16th century. And then potato have become an integral part of the world's cuisine.
Potato is full of vitamins and minerals. The nutritional value of potato and each cooked staple depends on the pre-processing and the way of cooking, boiling, frying, roasting , baking....
Different varieties of potatoes grow all around the world.  Main difference is waxy and floury potatoes. Waxy potatoes are translucent and feel moist and pasty. They are good at staying firm and keeping their shape . They are good to make potato salad.
Floury potatoes are brighter and more granular in appearance a drier feel. They are better for dishes where you want fluffy potatoes for mash.


1kg-2 lb potatoes (waxy ones)
2 Tablespoons olive oil
3 Tablespoons sesame seeds
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon paprika or chili powder
1 Tablespoon lemon juice

Boil potatoes in their skins. Drain and let it cool. Peel potatoes and dice them 2cm cubes.
Heat oil in a pan ( non-stick would be ideal) over a medium hit. Add sesame seeds, as soon as seeds turn brown add diced potatoes. Stir 5 min. Add salt, chili and lemon juice. Stir and fry another 3-4 min or until potatoes turn light brown.

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