Saturday, April 26, 2014



Today's recipe is from the West of Turkey. It is a traditional wedding dish.
 In old times, traditionally a girl after marrying would accept her husband's family as hers. She would occasionally visit her own family. After wedding the first family visit with her husband was important. Special meals were prepared for this special day. Home made baklava ( a dessert) was one of them . The recipe I am giving you now, was done with remaining pastry from baklava.
We use yufka (ready Turkish dough) to make it. But it can be made with filo dough. Actually filo dough is more similar baklava dough then Turkish yufka.
1/2 whole chicken
1 onion, whole
2 strings fresh thyme
4 strings parsley
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 leaves of Turkish yufka or 8 leaves of filo dough
3 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 eggs yolks
2 tbsp. flour
2 cups plain yogurt
2 cups chicken stock
2 tbsp. flour
3 cups chicken stock
2 crushed garlic
2 tbsp. red vinegar
2 tbsp. butter
1 1/2 tsp chili pepper
Place chicken in a large pan, add  onion, parsley, thyme and salt. Pour over 6 cups water. Boil and simmer until chicken is tender. Drain , remove skin and bones, cut chicken meat into strips. Keep chicken stock .
Grease an oven tray, lay the first leaf of yufka , pucker, grease with oil. Do the same for second yufka  leaf. If you use filo dough do the same process. Bake 180C/375F about 15 minutes or until gets light brown.When it is still hot pour over 2 cups chicken stock . 
Meanwhile , in a pan , mix eggs, flour, yogurt ,   and chicken stock . Bring to boil and simmer until sauce gets thick. If you do not like taste of yogurt you can use the  second choice of   the sauce . Mix all ingredients and cook until gets thick. 
In the original recipe at this stage must added  2 crushed garlic and 2 tbsp. red vinegar  . It depends on you if you do not like taste of garlic and vinegar just ignore .
Mix chicken pieces with half of the sauce. Spread chicken and  sauce mixture on to the pastry. Gently roll the pastry from long side.
Leave 30 minutes and then cut into 4cm/1,5 inch wide. Place them in a well greased oven tray. Pour remaining sauce each of them. If you use the sauce without yogurt , sprinkle greated cheese on top of pasties. Bake 180C/375F about 15 minutes or until well browned.
Heat butter , add chili pepper. Pour over chicken pasties.  Serve hot.


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