Wednesday, March 5, 2014



Bulgur wheat is most common ingredients in Middle East cuisine. It is used in tabbouleh, kibbeh, pilafs, breads, and soups. Bulgur wheat is a kind of creal food made from durum wheat,  boiled, dried  and  cracked.  Bulgur wheat comes in three different textures; fine ,medium and coarse. Each one must  be chosen carefully depending upon which type of recipe is being used in. Different type of bulgur wheat needs different cooking time. So its best to check package instruction before start to cooking.
At the old days bulgur wheat was seen poor people's food , because it was cheaper than rice. Today health value of bulgur wheat is known very well.As a whole grain, bulgur wheat is naturally high- fiber, low fat .It is much healthier than rice in terms of health, specially  for diabetics. Bulgur wheat raise blood glucose much less and slowly than rice.
If you have not tasted it  yet I recommend you to try soon , you will be surprised to taste.


3 cups  coarse bulgur- creak wheat
2 medium onion
3 tbsp.  olive oil
500g-1lb eggplant
1/2 tsp dry mint
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp allspice
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
2 medium tomatoes , skin peeled
4 cups water

cooking oil for to fry eggplants

Peel skin of eggplants into strip. Place in a large bowl. Add 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp flour and cover with water. Leave 30 minutes. Rinse and dry with kitchen towel. Diced into cubes. Heat cooking oil in a deep pan , fry eggplants . Put on a kitchen towel to get rid of excess oil.
Heat olive oil in shallow pan, add onion, stir few minutes until get light brown. Blend tomatoes and water into a blender, pour over onion. Add cinnamon, allspice, mint, salt, and sugar. Bring to boil, add bulgur wheat, cover. When it start to boil , turn  heat to very low,  and simmer 15-20 minutes  or until bulgur wheat is tender. If it  does not tender yet  add more hot water. Add fried eggplants, cook further 5 minutes.  Leave 10-15 minutes covered for to set. Also it can be eaten  cold.       


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