Thursday, December 8, 2011


                                               CHICKEN GRATIN

Today is a sunny and bright day. It invites everybody to go outside. They say it is going to snow in the next few days. It is hard to believe .... Also Istanbul gets her share from the climate change. Normally we were having full four seasons but not anymore. It was fun at that time.... Everything was changing when the season changes.... like clothes, food, the view of nature. It looks too late to cry for the old good days. We have to do what we can do today.!!!
My recipe is from my childhood memories. I was a very picky child when the issue was nutrition. My mum was trying to feed me with rich food.
You have to careful about the chicken. Super markets chicken can be tasteless. I prefer organic ones. I know they are much more expensive then the others. According to my experience if you want to eat delicious meal you need good quality ingredients.


1 lb (500g) chicken (any part of chicken is suitable with bone)
1 medium onion
3 stalks parsley
3 medium carrots
3 medium potatoes
1/2 lb (250g) spinach

For the white sauce
1 1/2 table spoon butter or vegetable oil
2 tablespoon plain flour
1 1/2 cups chicken stock
salt and pepper
1 teaspoon nutmeg
3 tablespoon grated tasty cheese

Combine chicken , onion, parsley, 1 teaspoon salt and 2 cups hot water in a deep pan. Bring to boil and reduce the heat. Cook 2o min or until chicken is tender. Drain and reserve the stock for the white sauce. Remove meat from bones and cut chicken meat into small pieces.
Meanwhile, boil or steam chopped carrots , potatoes and stalks removed spinach separately. Drain all well.
Melt the butter over a medium heat, add flour. Stir 2 minutes. Remove from the heat. Add hot chicken stock and stir. Continue to stir over heat until sauce boils and thickens. Season with salt and pepper and nutmeg.
Combine white sauce and vegetables. Place in well greased ovenproof dish. Sprinkle with cheese.
Bake at 400F-200C degrees for 30 min or until surface get well brown.
It can get well with green salad.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds delicious . . . we can't wait to try it in next time we're in Istanbul!
